Season 4 Episode 15 - Who Wants to be an Arbitrator?

We’re all in greater London but of course we’re still not in the same room. Video recording will have to do, as we discuss the recent Draft Code of Conduct for Adjudicators in Investor-State Dispute Settlement, issued by ICSID and UNCITRAL [TIME 13:22], as well as the law governing the arbitration agreement, based on a  recent judgment from the Court of Appeal in London [TIME 39:58]. Happy Fun Time gives the episode its name - who wants to be an arbitrator (and how do you become one)? [TIME 01:01:33]

Season 2 Episode 13 - The Fourth from ICCA

Joel is in Copenhagen and Brian is in Amsterdam so the initial segment is recorded remotely, in a way that brings back memories from the early days of DIY audio. Thankfully, most of the episode was recorded in Sydney, where we first talk to ICSID Secretary-General Meg Kinnear about ISDS reform and ICSID's role in it [TIME 9:27]. Next, Ben Hayward discusses conflict of laws in international commercial arbitration (he has a great book out, if you use this link you will get a good discount from Oxford University Press) [TIME 35:12]. Finally, Hugh Carlson discusses AI and cybersecurity and how they interact with arbitration [TIME TIME 59:27]. No Happy Fun Time this week - it will be back next week, in the final episode from Sydney (we think).